My Witness of Jesus Christ

Before Heavenly Father had Jehovah create the Earth, he proposed the implementation of the Plan of Salvation. Heavenly Father had a resurrected body of flesh and bone, and he wanted to share his joy of eternal life with all his children. Jehovah had a crucial role in the Plan of Salvation for he was elected to perform an atonement. 

This atonement of Jesus Christ as he will be known by in mortality was controversial in the Grand Counsel because a man named Lucifer did not believe that sin and choice was necessary. He had a plan to save everyone, but he desired glory above all. One third of God's children were cast out of Heaven as they rejected Heavenly Father's Plan for the Salvation of man. Satan was given enmity to make mortality especially horrifying on top of the veil of forgetfullness, blocking our memory of our premortal life.

The Godhead is God the Father, the Son, and the Spirit. They are three different people, but they are completely united. We pray to Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost typically answers on the Father's behalf. 

The Holy Ghost cleanses our souls by the power of Jesus Christ's atonement. It is by the power of God that man learns, discovers, changes, and loves. All things good are inspired by God. 

The path that Jesus calls the gospel is the way to eternal life. He reveals it to his prophets, giving them power and authority. The truth is restored through them to establish his church. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the church that Jesus Christ leads today through his prophets. Joseph Smith is the first of this dispensation, and God prepared an essential work for him to do in building the church. It is called the keystone of the religion. Book of Mormon is another witness to Christ, an expression of the power of God unto the convincing of man. The book is more scripture for man to learn of Christ. 

I encourage you to explore the opportunities to learn more about Jesus Christ, for all truth has been revealed by him. More truth has been explained in words of modern and ancient prophets by the power of God and the Holy Ghost. The joys of eternity are available to discover in this day.

I bear witness that it is line upon line; precept upon precept that man learns of God. Experiment upon the word. Learn to feel his inspiration. Let go of doubt, and trust in him. Hearken to his word, and he will reveal his nature to you. These are witnesses of the Godhead. God is love. We are all family, and Heavenly Father is preparing a path for all his children to learn of all the joys of eternal life. I have been raised in his church and kingdom, and I have practiced these principles. The assurance that comes of revelation is the foundation of my faith that the fullness of the gospel has been restored in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.


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