The Cleansing Affect by Baptism of Fire and Water

Jessica and I pondered the cleansing affect of water and fire/heat, learning about how ovens clean themselves. The method is to burn the contents to easily wipeable carbon with excessive heat. The recieving of the gift of the Holy Ghost is also known as the baptism of fire, cleansing our soul. 

We spoke of cleaning things with water. If people don't continuely clean their dishes, they could get sick. Uncleanliness can represent sin, but what are the spiritual illnesses? I thought of doubt, pride, and entitlement. These spiritual illnesses are contagious, but man can develop them in isolation, if they are not careful. Man tend to forget their faith without the continue effort of cleansing their soul. The best way is through faith in Jesus Christ, repentance, and baptism by immersion in the church; having the authority to administer the ordinances of salvation. That is the initial cleansing of the gospel, but man need to continuely sanctify themselves by following the covenant path, leading to the temple ordinances. The sacrament is a weekly ordinance, renewing all of an individual's covenants. Faithfulness to this practice is most important to remaining clean. The nurture of knowledge of God by reading the scriptures is another key to feeling the spirit, the baptism of fire, and maintaining our spiritual immune system to doubt, pride, and entitlement. Daily prayer and remaining faithful to the commandments of God are other keys to retaining our spiritual immune system. I am realizing that maintaining our immune system can be represented by our temple recommend or testimony of Jesus Christ. Let's continue to work on our personal spiritual cleanliness.


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