The Doctrine of Mortal Suffering: Part 1

Listening to the Mormon Channel Talk Radio this morning, I was introduced to an inspired woman's speech, which I started reading. The woman is Francine R. Bennion, and she was a professor, addressing the doctrine of mortal suffering. 

I was unable to pin down an edifying insight, so I decided to read it. The document exposes that there are contradiction or opposition in all things even scriptures, citing several. Thinking about it, I see contradiction or opposition in all things may be a doctrine. Prophets say that all things testify of God as an athiest say that all thing testify against God. Man's scientic theories have a lot of  studies backing them, yet it does not testify of God. Lehi speaks of opposition in all things, but what about contradiction in all things? Contradiction does not mean that their are falsehoods in God or science. Science is based on theories; although, the theories are based on evidence. It does not mean that they are completely true. God's gospel is true, yet the Earth is created with opposition and contradiction. 

Man needs to endure opposition in all things to understand happiness, peace, and joy. They cannot be understood; unless, man experiences sadness, dispair, and misery. The radio discussion said that fruits of suffering gives man empathy to understand each other and God, coming close to them. There was more to the podcast, but I don't know what more to write about it. I will most likely write more as I continue my study of the sermon.


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