The True Application of Faith

I finished reading Alma 58 this morning. Chapter 58 of Alma in the Book of Mormon is a great chapter to learn the true application of faith.

Helamen and his troops were not supported well by their nation due to pride. They were far from the safe capitol. Not being informed of the situation, they had to fend for themselves. Their small army feared the numerous armies of the Lamanites. 

"Therefore we did pour out our souls in prayer to God, that he would strengthen us and deliver us out of the hands of our enemies, yea, and also give us strength that we might retain our cities, and our lands, and our possessions, for the support of our people.Yea, and it came to pass that the Lord our God did visit us with assurances that he would deliver us; yea, insomuch that he did speak peace to our souls, and did grant unto us great faith, and did cause us that we should hope for our deliverance in him. And we did take courage with our small force which we had received, and were fixed with a determination to conquer our enemies, and to maintain our lands, and our possessions, and our wives, and our children, and the cause of our liberty." (Alma 58:10-12)

Helamen and his armies now had knowledge and an assurance that their endeavors will succeed. This is faith. "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." (JST, Hebrews 11:1) Assurance comes from revelation. Trust in your faith, and continually cultivate it to maintain  the fruits of hope. Read the whole chapter for full context.


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