A Parable About Reading the Scriptures Daily

The following parable was part of a Sacrament talk in my ward last Sunday.

A child admired his grandfather. Seeking to be like him, he read the Bible daily to obtain the wisdom that the grandfather expressed. He was discouraged because he did not understand the Bible and quickly forgot what he understood, bringing his concern to his grandfather.

The grandfather told him to fetch water in his coal basket for him, but it was empty by the time that he return. The father told him to run back. He tried again. The child did not see his logic. Grandfather told him to run faster. The child tried, showing his logic was accurate. The grandfather showed him the point of the exercise, saying that the coal basket was clean; although, it did not retain the water. 
We may not retain everything that we learn, but the spirit that abides with you will cleanse you.


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