"Nevertheless, I did look unto my God" (1 Nephi 18:16)

My older brother gave me the Maxwell Institute Study Edition of the Book of Mormon for Christmas. I was thinking of starting from the beginning as I begin my career as a content creator, but I also thought that I do not want to get too behind the “Come, Follow me” program. I think that keeping up with all the various readings that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints produces and can be discouraging.
I have lived with this my whole life, since I have dyslexia. It is not the stereotypical way. I just read a little slower. I believe that the “Come, Follow me” program is very adaptable for each person and family, and Heavenly Father is incredibly grateful for your best effort. I can’t keep up by reading all the chapters in each week’s lessons; however, I review the family scripture study suggestions with my wife. I hope that my open nature will comfort you as the expectation to read so many things may seem impossible.
I have an insight from the Book of Mormon that I think is inspiring. I am reading in 1 Nephi 18, where Nephi has been bound for four days by his older brothers, Laman and Lemuel, since he expressed his fear of his older siblings’ behavior, which was in his belief offensive to God. The context of the situation is that Nephi led them to construct a boat, and they were on the ocean, traveling to the Promised Land. When Nephi was bound, the ocean and weather became dangerous storm. Although the Liahona, a divinely led compass, which was provided by God, did not guide Laman and Lemuel as they braved the tempest, only the fear of death humbled Laman and Lemuel. As I read this, I realized this insight.
Nephi said that he endured being bound for four days and “swollen exceedingly.” (1 Nephi 18:15) He was not discouraged because of his depressing situation, writing that he “did praise [God] all the day long.” (1 Nephi 18:16)
How did he praise God and not “murmur” in this condition? (1 Nephi 18:16) I believe that it is because he valiantly practiced the gospel, developing a stable mindset as he has learned from his study and revelations from God.
I decided to start from the beginning again, so you can understand the Maxwell Institute Study Edition of the Book of Mormon more and why it has given me a unique perspective as I have been reading the book. 


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