The “Marvellous Work and a Wonder” (Isaiah. 29:14)

     At the beginning of the Maxwell Institute Study Edition of the Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ, one of the first quotations in its introduction is a one from Neal A. Maxwell. It is the following quote:
“The coming forth of the Book of Mormon is a marvelous episode not only in Church history but also in human history. You and I owe many people for their roles in bringing us the Book of Mormon, a book filled with plain and precious salvational truths which came forth by “the gift and power of God” (Book of Mormon title page). Through the labors and sacrifices of many, the “marvellous work and a wonder” foreseen by Isaiah (Isa. 29:14) restored vital truths which had been lost to mankind for centuries! We can best express our gratitude by reading and applying the teachings of the Book of Mormon.”
     Neal A. Maxwell was an apostle of Jesus Christ in these latter-days, who died in 2004.
     This quotation impressed me, and the Book of Mormon is at least part of the “marvellous work and a wonder” that Isaiah saw in vision. The vital truths that was “lost to mankind for centuries” is an allusion to the great apostasy after the dispensation of Jesus Christ. The apostles and the saints, who lived during his restoration of his personal ministry of the gospel, were persecuted and many were killed. Jesus Christ is the leader of his church, and his authority to minister in his name was lost as the apostles were martyred. We endure the effects of the great apostasy today as many people believe that there is no truth to seek; however, the “marvellous work and a wonder” is happening today.
     I will expound on this. The Book of Mormon is such a wonder that a Broadway musical was composed to mock its origin. The world looks to every excuse imaginable to dismiss the Book of Mormon, yet it has the attention. The fact that there is so much resistance to consider reading the book is evidence that evil forces are seeking to diminish its influence, which was described by, the first prophet of the Latter-day dispensation, Joseph Smith Jr “would get [man] nearer to God by abiding its precepts, than by any other book.” Let us engage in the wonder rather than hearken to temptations of Satan to ignore this great gift of God to man.
     We ought to be grateful for Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, for they prepared the writings, preserving it for our day. The prophets, who wrote the book, literally were addressing people of our day. The Book of Mormon is special because the testimony of the House of Israel is not only contained in it, which joins the Bible in a marvelous testimony of Jesus Christ. Another nation’s testimony of Christ is contained in the Book of Mormon the nation were called the Jaredites. They are a nation of people, who were led to a promised land after God confounded the people, building the Tower of Babel. We have many people to be grateful for from all the prophets of the two nations to Oliver Cowdery and Martin Harris, who aided Joseph Smith in the translation and the publication of the Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ with thousands of years of testimony that Jesus Christ can reveal the truth to mankind. I too have received revelation that the Book of Mormon is a true book. The Book of Mormon is available on the Book of Mormon app, and you can order a physical copy online at the following link:


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