Are you acting according to your true identity?

I found time to read the Book of Mormon this morning. I read Ammoron's response to Moroni's request to trade captive families for prisoners. I thought that it was odd that he claimed that he is a Lamanite, when he is a descendant of Zoram. I think that people need to be careful with the philosophy or tradition that they subscribe to. Many people don't act themselves because the world has developed a philosophy or tradition to wrap everyone up in. I was also inspired to listen to Mormon Channel talk radio this morning. They were talking about a timely 100 year old talk, saying science and religion are opposites. There is a concept of blind doubt; just as blind faith. People need to wake up from their blind doubt,  blind faith, worldly philosophy, and tradition. 

"Each is a beloved spirit son or daughter of heavenly parents, and, as such, each has a divine nature and destiny. Gender is an essential characteristic of individual premortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose." (The Family: A Proclamation to the World)

Men do not define themselves. We have all been elected to a great role in the church and Kingdom of God, but we have to choose and seize our life eternal by faith in Christ, repentance, and beginning the covenant path with baptism.


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