What is the sacrament?

I was studying the law of Moses, relating it to the higher law given in the sermon on the mount, but Christ spoke so simply that I didn't think writing notes were necessary.

The following notes are from Sacrament meeting last Sunday, for I heard Ben a former student of mine ask her mother...:

What is the sacrament?   

I imagined teaching my child during the sacrament, saying the following.

Look. The bread represents the flesh of Jesus Christ. It is broken. The flesh of God is broken because all men will die, but Jesus has power over death. When he died, he resurrected, returning to the presence of Heavenly Father.   

Look. The water represents the blood of Jesus Christ, which was shed, when he was doing the atonement. The atonement of Christ allows God to forgiven, heal, and comfort man.    

Partaking of the bread and water is an ordinance that renews my promises with God.


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