"there is no end to my works, neither to my words." (Moses 1:38)

One may ask. Why do members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have more scripture? Is not the Bible the complete word of God? 

There is no end to the word of God. The word of God is revealed through his prophets, and this is his eternal pattern. All prophets recorded their revelations as scripture, and there are a lot more records than the contents of the Bible. 

It seems that a qualification for a religion for the world's societies is that it has to remain in apostasy. I assert that the apostasy has closed on the Church of Jesus Christ with the opening the great and last dispensation. Apostasy comes when the people reject the prophets, and they have to be withdrawn until God sees fit to call a new prophet. Many of these prophets are martyred. "This generation shall have my word through you (Joseph)." (D&C 5:10) 

Joseph Smith Jr. recieved many gifts and revelations, including the priesthood and the keys of the kingdom. 

The focus of the Doctrine & Covenants is our relationship with God. Many sections of the Doctrine and Covenants is in response to reading scriptures. A passage in the introduction of the Doctrine & Covenants is the following:

"In the revelations, the doctrines of the gospel are set forth with explanations about such fundamental matters as the nature of the Godhead, the origin of man, the reality of Satan, the purpose of mortality, the necessity for obedience, the need for repentance, the workings of the Holy Spirit, the ordinances and performances that pertain to salvation, the destiny of the earth, the future conditions of man after the Resurrection and the Judgment, the eternity of the marriage relationship, and the eternal nature of the family."

 There is a Joseph Smith Translation Bible side by side. Over 3000 verses were revised by the inspiration of God in the book.    

The great and last dispensation will not end in apostasy. We live in the latter-days, and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is led by Jesus Christ through a living prophet, who has all the priesthood keys to run the church and kingdom of God. 

"We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God." (The ninth Article of Faith)


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