The opposite is actually true.

'The phrase “I never knew you” in Matthew 7:23 was changed in the Joseph Smith Translation to “Ye never knew me” (Matthew 7:23, footnote a).' (Come, follow me) [Questions are from the same section.]

How does this change help you better understand what the Lord taught in verses 21–22 about doing His will? 

A doctrinal change is given, for the King James Translation says that Jesus Christ only knows the people, who are faithful to the gospel; however, it is the opposite. Only people, who are faithful to the gospel, truly know Jesus Christ.

How well do you feel you know the Lord? 

I think that I know him well. I read Jesus the Christ by Elder Talmage and the New Testament to learn of his life.

What can you do to know Him better?

I can learn of him more by practicing his attributes; then, I can learn of his thought patterns.


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